Ken McArthur


Expectations can cause some of the biggest disappointments in your life. It doesn’t matter what you are expecting, actuality is unlikely to match expectations.

Audience Bias: How to Assess Feedback

Interesting insights today on “Audience Perspective and Feedback”. After recently completing principal filming for the Impact Manifesto Short Film, I quickly did a rough edit and sent a preview to 6 close and respected friends, marketing experts and thought leaders for feedback. The responses were detailed and specific and very […]

What Do You Do When the Reviews Are NOT What You Hoped For? 2

What do you do, when you work really hard on something, run it by the people you respect the most and the reviews are NOT want you hoped for? Getting feedback is an “interesting” exercise. While I don’t believe in the “the masses rule” over individual expression, it’s clear that […]

Why I’m Not Giving Away Tickets To The Impact Event

You have to realize by now that my whole life is centered around having a significant impact and transformation in the lives of the people I connect with and if we aren’t together, we don’t connect!  And while we can have a connection on the Internet, there is NOTHING like […]

This is a bit harsh, but you know this is true …

If you are anything like me you can take years to do what you could do in a week.

You think, plan and try to figure out the “best” thing to do and then when you do something, you do it half-way and get half-way results — or worse.

Ducks Quack, Eagles Soar!

My father contributed this article from an unknown author … Harvey MacKay, tells a wonderful story about a cab driver that proved this point. He was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When a cab pulled up, the first thing Harvey noticed was that the taxi was […]

Gordon Ramsay Clean-up Time!

He’s ugly, vulgar and abusive, but he does know how to run a business. Let me tell you a story, because …. It’s almost Independence Day It’s time to clean-up MY act I want to kickstart YOURS! Take a lesson from foul mouthed, abusive,”makeover” chef, Gordon Ramsay, the brute of “Kitchen […]

Ken McArthur Interviews Seth Godin

I had the honor of interviewing Seth for my best-selling book “Impact: How to Get Noticed, Motivate Millions, and Make a Difference in a Noisy World,” and I wanted to share two stories that he told me to help me illustrate how small actions can make a big difference, that I used as the prequel to my book, “The Impact Factor: How Small Actions Change the World.” It was a gift Seth gave me without any expectation it would ever pay off for him. Now I’d like to pass this gift onto you.