Ducks Quack, Eagles Soar!

My father contributed this article from an unknown author … Harvey MacKay, tells a wonderful story about a cab driver that proved this point. He was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When a cab pulled up, the first thing Harvey noticed was that the taxi was […]

Gordon Ramsay Clean-up Time!

He’s ugly, vulgar and abusive, but he does know how to run a business. Let me tell you a story, because …. It’s almost Independence Day It’s time to clean-up MY act I want to kickstart YOURS! Take a lesson from foul mouthed, abusive,”makeover” chef, Gordon Ramsay, the brute of “Kitchen […]

Ken McArthur Interviews Seth Godin

I had the honor of interviewing Seth for my best-selling book “Impact: How to Get Noticed, Motivate Millions, and Make a Difference in a Noisy World,” and I wanted to share two stories that he told me to help me illustrate how small actions can make a big difference, that I used as the prequel to my book, “The Impact Factor: How Small Actions Change the World.” It was a gift Seth gave me without any expectation it would ever pay off for him. Now I’d like to pass this gift onto you.

Kickstarter Info: How to Set Rewards and Campaign Amounts

KICKSTARTER INFO: I’m kicking around Kickstarter Rewards for the crowdfunding campaign for The Impact Factor movie. In Yancey Strickler’s Creative Mornings presentation, he explains how a project that reaches 30% funding has a 90% chance of being successfully completed, so it’s a good idea to have 30% of your rewards […]

Top 10 Email Subject Lines

Hey Folks, WAY back at the start of 2009, I ranked every single headline that I wrote in 2008 for open rate percentage. I thought you might be interested in the results. Here are the top 10 Open Rate E-Mail Subject Lines for 2008: [firstname], here’s your results [firstname], Unbelieveable! […]