Don’t come … unless
Forgive me! I woke up from a dream this morning and I’m completely fired up!
In the dream, I was giving the speech of my life. I was saying all the things that I wanted to say in perfect flow. It was pouring out of me like a fiery sermon from the most motivating speaker you’ve ever heard!
I was listening! I was compelling! I really wish you had heard that speech because you would be standing and cheering and then tearing out of the room to get something DONE!
Wow! Yes! Let’s go!
And then I woke up.
And I was STILL fired up and ready to go!
Here’s a dark secret of producing your own events.
You spend most of your day reaching out to people INDIVIDUALLY and convincing them to show up.
Why? Because that’s the only thing that really works.
People have to be dragged out of their complacency to get to a live event.
It’s excruciating to talk someone into dragging their unmoving butt, getting in a car early in the morning, and actually SHOW UP!
It’s WORK! And it’s STUPID!
Because what happens when they actually DO show up?
Every time!
People rave, lives change, things become so clear, and lifetime relationships are BORN at that moment that last forever!
And they say, “Why don’t more people show up! People need to be here!”
So I go out and I practically BEG people to show up! And I remind them over and over because they forget, or procrastinate!
And I want to say, “DON’T SHOW UP unless …”
– You are fired up and ready to go!
– You want to spend time with incredible people!
– You want to learn what’s working right now!
– You want long-lasting GREAT relationships with remarkable people who are DOING things!
But I can’t!
Because I know what happens when you don’t show up!
Terrible things!
– You stay at home alone and frustrated!
– You miss out on life-saving conversations!
– You miss opportunities that make your dreams possible!
And all you have to do is do the WORK!
All you have to do is SHOW UP and you will be just as fired up as I am today!
Showing up makes it so.
All the best,

Ken McArthur
Best-Selling Author and Producer
The Impact Factor Movie
The Impact Masterminds