For the last couple of years, I’ve been almost entirely focused on my upcoming feature narrative film, The Impact Factor.
Focus was crucial to getting this movie made and it’s been quite a journey!
Most people have no idea what it takes to create an independent film.
But, it’s time for the next big part of this adventure together!
Post-Production is coming to a close, and now it’s time to begin to submit The Impact Factor to Festivals and to secure the best distribution possible so that we can get all of the hard work of hundreds of cast, crew, and social media team members out to a mass audience!
Did you know that even when all of the costs of pre-production, production, and post-production have been met, there are STILL more costs to come?
Most festival experts recommend budgeting no less than $1,000 just for submission fees. A more realistic figure would be close to $5,000 even for a micro-budget independent film.
While you don’t need to attend every festival where your film is showing, the beauty of festivals is that they are a major opportunity for filmmakers to interact directly with audiences. You should budget at least a little bit for travel.
If you start playing festivals, you should have postcards, posters, and business cards.
What about having a publicist or producer’s agent?
Here’s a huge hidden cost!
Legal Fees!
Or how about Errors and Omissions insurance
E&O Insurance covers any liability as well as legal fees and cost of a defense. Filmmakers often cannot afford to purchase E & O insurance, which runs $7,000 to $10,000 for most indie films.
Why would anyone ever want to create a film!
Well in the case of The Impact Factor Movie, we have created an AMAZING film!
Now we just need to get it out there!
Luckily we have YOU!
To help to make sure we have the funding we need to get the work of the entire Impact family out to the world, we’ve extended many of the perks from our successful crowdfunding campaign to make it possible for anyone to get early access to the movie, and a lot of other benefits while supporting this remarkable group of people who are trying to make a real impact in this noisy world.
Luckily we have YOU!
You can share our story with the people you know right now and encourage them to back this final push to make sure we reach as many people as possible quickly!
All you need to do is share this link:
All the best,

Ken McArthur
Best-Selling Author and Producer
The Impact Factor Movie
The Impact Masterminds