I’m thrilled to announce that we are 98% complete with the Impact Factor Movie!

We are down to a couple of orchestrations, final sound design, color-grade, polishing, and deliverables and then we will have preview copies complete.
As soon as we have completed preview copies, we will start the review process to begin putting the movie in front of test audiences.
Then we make any final adjustments and the movie is ready to launch.
In the meantime, our team is diligently working on setting everything up for the launch and distribution of the movie!
It seems as if the last 2% of any project is the most difficult and that there are endless stages ahead of us, but I’ve learned to take things one step at a time and keep moving forward.
It’s hard to imagine how much work has already been done by hundreds of people on this project and I’m excited to get the finished project in your hands!
So what’s the expected release?
We are shooting for June at the latest, but we may come in early, so stay tuned!
Thanks so much for your support in this brand-new challenging world!
More coming soon!
All the best,