The target is a ranking of 5,259,984
As of today, WhoIs is reporting a total of 144,069,151 domains across the .COM, .NET, .ORG, .INFO, .BIZ, and .US top level domains (TLDs) and globally other sources are reporting 525,998,433 Websites on the Web.
No one really knows how many websites are on the Web, but let’s just arbitrarily pick that 525,998,433 number for the purposes of identifying our target.
If we accept 525,998,433 websites in the world then to get into the top 1% we only have to rank 5,259,984 out of all of the sites in the world to make it into the top 1%.
How doable is that?
Well as I write this post, this blog has a Alexa Traffic Rank of : 654,829 Traffic Rank in US: 197,841.
That puts this blog in the top .01 percent
And I don’t really work to get high rankings for this blog. In the past, I have actually made a concerted effort to drive particular sites into the top 3,000 sites on the Internet and I’ve actually succeeded multiple times.
The highest ranking I’ve ever achieved was an Alexa ranking of 362 out of all of the sites on the Internet.
Other sites I’ve launched have stayed in the top 3,000 sites on the Internet for years!
So the question is …
How do YOU do it?
Here’s the disclaimer …
If it was easy, everyone would be doing it, so let’s start out by saying it’s not a quick fix.
But … I’m actually going to be doing it again — step-by-step — in front of your eyes in real time, so you have an opportunity to watch what I do over the next six months and see if you can figure out how to do it yourself — Or you can watch me execute these ten simple steps.
Here are the broad strokes of what to do …
Step One – Realize You Can’t Do This Alone
Nobody EVER creates a massive audience alone.
Step Two – Get a Mentor
Even if you’ve done this before — and most people haven’t — you will always be able to do it faster, with less risk and more efficiently with a mentor. (More on this later.)
Step Three – Follow a Proven System
It’s all been done before. Don’t re-invent the wheel. Take a Proven Path, Start from the Core
Step Four – Create Real Value
People will flock to you all day long if you focus on creating value (better design, better support, better ease of use, better variety, better reliability, better durability, better price … the list goes on)
Step Five – Create the Mission Vision, Values and Message that Becomes Your Brand
Your brand is YOU (or your organization) what you really stand for and the value that you bring and you need an effective way to communicate that to your audience.
Step Six – Build a Community
Your Customers, Clients and Fans are the secret to exponential growth
Step Seven – Build the Pressure
Create a force within your community so they HAVE to spread the word about the value you deliver
Step Eight – Leverage Multiple Media and Communication Channels
Your audience and their attention is fragmented, so you need EVERY form of communication channel that’s available to reach your audience and keep them engaged.
Step Nine – Break the Viral Coefficient Barrier
You need your audience to spread the message faster than they leave. Get in the positive on this number and you will grow like wildfire.
Step Ten – Build Systems and Automate
You will quickly run out of YOU, so build systems and automate the things that are working. DON’T build a system or automate the things that aren’t working.
Broad strokes for now, but I have a TON of detail to share with you!
Stay tuned!
UPDATE: The website I built to test this system went from zero to the top 1.3% most visited websites on the Internet in 4 Days
UPDATE: The website I built to test this system went from zero to the top .003% most visited websites on the Internet in 6 Days
Full Case Study at
The site I created is at
All the best,
Ken McArthur
UPDATE: went from ZERO traffic to the top 1.3% of all sites on the Internet in 4 Days
Hi Ken, congratulations on the early success of BuzzBreaker. Is it mainly about US-centric news? It wasn’t clear to me what demographic of authors/bloggers the site was looking for… which usually means “US-centric” in my experience. 🙂
Hey Neil,
I don’t WANT it to be US-Centric. Get me some great bloggers and contributors from YOUR side of the pond! 🙂
Bloggers/Writers Wanted
This is pretty cool and I checked out the case study, this seems to be a little old now, but the site is now at 2M on Alexa, did you stop doing what you were doing or why did it go back so high?