This one is simple
If you want to be successful in reaching your goals, you need to do two things well.
- Start
- Finish
Everything in between is just filler!
All the best,

Ken McArthur
P.S. We are talking about getting your projects started and finished on the Impact
Perpetual Learning Series.
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How does this fit with the cliches/quotes on “the journey is the reward” or ” it’s not the swift or the strong that win the race?”
I don’t do devils’ advocate —never found a positive utility for it. (for the record)
Hey David,
It’s pretty obvious. You can’t reach a goal if you don’t start and you can’t reach a goal if you don’t finish.
But …
People spin their wheels all the time without starting or finishing anything.
The point is ….
Stop spinning.
Get started …. and finish what you start.
Simple I know, but so often not done in practice.
All the best,