I’m feeling nostalgic. It seems to be happening more and more frequently.
I suppose nostalgia increases with age because as you get older, you are constantly reminded that time is rapidly slipping away.
Sometimes, I think about my family.
Sometimes, I think about close friends.
Other times, it’s people who I might have impacted along the way.
I think a lot about what I should do with the time that’s left.
Last year, I tried to estimate how much longer I had to live.
You can use all kinds of online tools to get a range, which is usually less than you thought it would be.
My Mom and Dad both lived into their 90s, but if you calculate all of the health factors, the results came out to 5 to 15 years for me. (a year ago)
Now I still estimate 5 to 15 years not because I have better data or because my life expectancy is increasing, but just because I want to be optimistic.
The truth is, we never know.
I have a number of friends living and coping with deadly diseases, but I may not outlive them and you might not outlive me.
I repeat myself and wonder if I have anything left to say.
With all the things I’ve learned, the knowledge I’ve obtained, and the life I’ve experienced, I’ve discovered a significant life still comes down to the basics.
Faith in the face of uncertainty.
Hope in the face of despair.
And of course, it all comes down to love.
And that is best served without judgment or expectation.
The rest fades.
There is no more time to be nostalgic. THIS moment is meant to be lived!
All the best,

Ken McArthur
Best-Selling Author and Producer
The Impact Factor Movie
The Impact Masterminds