Don’t Take This Personally – But it’s ALL About ME! 25

About 23 people are going to take this personally.


Because at least 23 people have contacted me in the last few days to complain about someone else and they are going to assume that I’m talking about them.

Worse yet they will most likely assume that I don’t care and I’m complaining about them.

That’s not the case.

For the record, I’m not talking about you!

Even if you just talked to me or wrote me an email talking about someone else five minutes ago.

I’m not even talking or complaining about ANY of the 23 people who contacted me.

And I really do care.  I really do want to protect you and I feel bad when other people let you down.

That’s why I’m talking about me.

Because I realize that if I’m complaining about someone else, I’m not making one bit of progress.

If I’m complaining about how tough life is or how someone else did me wrong or how someone didn’t appreciate what I did I’m not solving any problems.

Setting the record straight or getting the word out about the wrongs in life may make me feel better, but it doesn’t fix anything.

The only way I can FIX anything is for me to take action to really solve problems and make the world a better place.

So instead of sitting here complaining …

I think I’ll go do that.

All the best,

Ken McArthur

And more, more, more.




About Ken McArthur

Ken challenges us to realize we ALL have an impact – whether we want to or not – on thousands of people who we touch in our day-to-day lives by demonstrating that simple things make a HUGE difference. The popular host of a series of live events that bring together top-level marketers, entrepreneurs, business owners, corporations and non-profit organizations to create multi-million dollar joint venture relationships – he creates incredible, intense impact for product launches and multi-million dollar profits in surprisingly short timeframes. Regularly asked to speak at leading marketing events, he has managed product launches ranked in the top 400 sites on the Internet. Ken McArthur is also the creator of, a pioneering affiliate program search engine and directory system and the founder of the MBS Internet Research Center, which conducted the world’s largest survey ever attempted on the subject of creating and launching successful information products. Not satisfied to concentrate entirely on large organizations, Ken also works with select individuals to help them create a decent living utilizing the power of the Internet. Ken was the official mentor for Sterling Valentine as he took his launch from ZERO to over $100,000 in less than 8 days. Ken and Sterling documented the process as a “proof of concept” for Info Product Blueprint a massive home study course that is the “bible” of info product creation. Ken offers top-level coaching and mentoring programs designed to help individuals, corporations and non-profit organizations reach masses of people using the techniques, tactics strategies and systems that he has developed specifically to help people spread their ideas, products and services around the globe.

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25 thoughts on “Don’t Take This Personally – But it’s ALL About ME!

  • Jane Mark

    Great headline Ken! Got me to open it right away:) But I have said this for years that is simply a waste of time and energy to complain. There are so many other wonderful things to do. A big hug Jane

  • Anonymous

    Sage advice Ken. Thanks for the reminder that staying Focused on My assignment is the Only thing that matters for me to fulfill My Purpose and that whatever someone else does, or does not do is None of my business.

    • Anonymous


      The key to always being amazed by how wonderful people really are is having low expectations of what they will do.  You will be amazed at the kind and generous things people do — as long as you aren’t expecting it!

      All the best,


  • Vernon Lucas

    Hello Ken, I have signed up for several internet programs, but the problem is that the persenter makes it sould so easy and if you sign up now you will get this very special one time deal. Once I have accepted the special deal there are notmally several upgrades that need to be purchased. Because I am not faliliar with all the internet jargin I end up being frustrated and getting nowhere. In once instance I asked if they could help me with the set up the program. I even asked how much it would cost for them to set up the program for me, but that is the last I ever heard from him again. I want to become a internet marketer but I need to first get a better understanding of how Affiliate programs really work before I go headlong into something that will leave me frustrated and broke. Kan you help.
    Kind regards, Vernon Lucas South Africa

    • Anonymous

      Hey Vernon,

      Listen a lot and invest carefully.  You have access to TONS of information out there.  Try DOING some of what you know already and see what happens.

      Hope this helps,


    • Anonymous

      Hey Vernon,

      Listen a lot and invest carefully.  You have access to TONS of information out there.  Try DOING some of what you know already and see what happens.

      Hope this helps,


  • Carol Cheshire

    Ken, I would not complain about anyone. Every contact I’ve had has been great.
    You know I want to be in the one on 10. However the $5,000 is a little scarce right now. I do have it but would I regain it fast enough to cover my other expenses. If you wish to speak to me personally my no. is 713-899-3199. I’m available as long as the phone is charged.
    Can you truly help me get a business running?
    Best Carol

  • Patti Malone

    Negativity can do such horrible things to one’s mind and self esteem.  And sometimes it’s much easier to go there than to remember what I’m really working toward.  Thanks for the great words.  We can never hear them often enough.

  • Don Monteith

    Personally, Ken, I listen and take action on behalf of my family and friends if I learn that someone I suggest or recommend is a fraud.  You had an email not long ago about someone who asked YOU for a refund for $297 or close to that and I told you I’d send her the refund to save having a conflict.

    I had a speaker offer to co-write a book for $1277 [took my money and did NOTHING] another offered to “do it for me” for $1997 and sent me 27 social media URLs that I could post to…..

    Yes, Ken,  I’m pissed about both of those losses but fortunately money is NOT the problem, it’s the total  dishonesty being allowed.  I think every meeting leader has to take ownership for whatever happens when informed and I like to believe that you agree if it ever happens at your meeting some day. 

  • Damon Smith

    Ken, Thank you for the message. We have done well with each other in the past an I would like to work with you again, The proble that I am having right now is that paypal an I are having trouble because I changed my site from HaileysComet to HCpublishing, Once I get this worked out I would like to get back working with you, I have a new computer that I am just wishing to test out, It is always good to hear from you Ken, I have always looked up to you an you have done great things for me an my business in the past, You are one of the best online an I know that all I have to do is get things back in order an we can make something happen, Hope to talk with you again soon,

    Damon Smith
    Publisher,HCpublishing eZine