Paid Masterminds 3

Hopefully, you know by now that I really want the best for you.

The best for YOU includes you earning a decent living – not necessarily getting rich (although I’m happy if you do) — but ALWAYS earning enough money that you don’t have to be distracted by financial worries and have the freedom to execute your dreams to their full extent.

That means that people actually have to PAY YOU for your products and services — Otherwise, your family won’t have the resources they need to have a full life.

We are in this together.

Lately I’ve been doing a lot of polling of the Impact Family to find out what they want from me and IMPORTANTLY, what they want to PAY for, because that’s the only way I can serve them in the long-term.

Here’s a question, I think you should be asking your own prospects.

“What can I offer to you that would be so valuable, that you would be begging me to let you pay you significant hard-cold cash for?”

Their answer may not always exactly mesh with what YOU want to sell them!

For instance, I REALLY love paid masterminds!

I love spending time with amazing people, helping them turn dreams into reality and mentoring them through roadblocks while we maximize their success! I LOVE IT!

I’m addicted to it. I have to have it. I crave it! … okay you get the idea.

I love the “paid” part, because it means people take action, produce more, have more success and yes, because it makes it possible for me to support my family.

And I KNOW the people who come to my masterminds love them too, because they get more results in a much faster timeframe and MOVE, CHANGE and GROW more rapidly that they thought possible.

I’m committed to having masterminds as a big part of my new Impact Action Plan System.

But there are lots of forms that masterminds take and I’m still not SPECIFICALLY sure EXACTLY what YOU personally want.

This is where you need to level with me.

You see I can create ANY, SEVERAL or ALL of the following, but ONLY if YOU really would find something on this list so valuable for YOU, that you would be begging me to let you pay you significant hard-cold cash for it.

Here are a few of the options:

  1. A virtual (online) mastermind that would meet 1 to 2 times a month for 2-3 hours.
  2. A virtual (online) mastermind that would meet once for 6 hours.
  3. A virtual (online) mastermind that would meet 4 times a year for 6 hours.
  4. A live (in person) high-level mastermind (6 – 12 people) that would meet once for a single day.
  5. A live (in person) high-level mastermind (6 – 12 people) that would meet 3 – 4 times a year for 1 -2 days each time.
  6. A live (in person) high-level mastermind (30-50 people) that would meet twice a year for 2 days each time.

Things to keep in mind …

  • The more people involved, the lower the cost per person
  • .The higher the level of the group, the more investment.
  • Online Masterminds, require less investment.
  • Longer timeframes provide more accountability and longer relationships and more investment in both time and money.

So there are pros and cons to all of the formats.

Here’s where I need your honest answer.

What would the perfect situation be for YOU that you would want to invest in today?

Maybe the honest answer is NONE of the above and that’s fine … we have lots of other ways to work together.

But you can really help me deliver what YOU want if you will be very specific with me about what YOU would be excited to invest in.

We all need to invest in ourselves, because that’s what makes magic happen.

Please let me know specifically how I can serve you in the best possible way.

Hit the reply button right now while it’s on your mind and give me every specific and detail you can think of to let me know how I can help.

All the best,

Ken McArthur

About Ken McArthur

Ken challenges us to realize we ALL have an impact – whether we want to or not – on thousands of people who we touch in our day-to-day lives by demonstrating that simple things make a HUGE difference. The popular host of a series of live events that bring together top-level marketers, entrepreneurs, business owners, corporations and non-profit organizations to create multi-million dollar joint venture relationships – he creates incredible, intense impact for product launches and multi-million dollar profits in surprisingly short timeframes. Regularly asked to speak at leading marketing events, he has managed product launches ranked in the top 400 sites on the Internet. Ken McArthur is also the creator of, a pioneering affiliate program search engine and directory system and the founder of the MBS Internet Research Center, which conducted the world’s largest survey ever attempted on the subject of creating and launching successful information products. Not satisfied to concentrate entirely on large organizations, Ken also works with select individuals to help them create a decent living utilizing the power of the Internet. Ken was the official mentor for Sterling Valentine as he took his launch from ZERO to over $100,000 in less than 8 days. Ken and Sterling documented the process as a “proof of concept” for Info Product Blueprint a massive home study course that is the “bible” of info product creation. Ken offers top-level coaching and mentoring programs designed to help individuals, corporations and non-profit organizations reach masses of people using the techniques, tactics strategies and systems that he has developed specifically to help people spread their ideas, products and services around the globe.

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3 thoughts on “Paid Masterminds

  • Nick Blackman

    Regrading new avenues for growth in mastermind group.
    It really comes down to what you want the group to become. Sometimes we create things and they take a life of their own. Then they go on to become something completely different. All great stuff to learn from absolutely.
    Ive seen a lot of groups. Most fail due to lack of participation..

    Keep it small and create expectations. Make folks accountable and stimulate ideas and innovation.

  • Serg Castorena

    Hello Ken,
    Sergio here, I´ll be in one of your events on april, although it won´t be the thusday´s paid mastermind. However I´m really looking forward to get to know you and get involved with the other experts that will be there. The fact is that I´m really confused now about online business, I got to the overwhelmed point, that it´s still hard for me to come up with an idea, so it can shared there in Denver.
    I´d like to know what the charges are for an online mastermind, since the costs for me are a little hard for me due to my location (Mex).
    Thanks for all Ken, and as I said, I hope to come up with some brilliant idea.