OLD RESPONSE: Here’s an old response to a commenter who was fighting money issues, but wanted to attend one of my events.

This is from years ago, but I think it still applies:
Funding a trip to an event can be hard, but people seem to work it out when they really want to and the smart ones figure out a way to make events immediately profitable.
You can create products at an event, take copious notes and sell your analysis, and find a sponsor who you can represent to fund your trip.
You can share expenses, and pack peanut butter.
I had an attendee who slept on the hotel lawn — NO I don’t recommend that.
The point is, you get to decide what’s important in your life.
Take some time to figure out what you really want to do and you’ll find out you already know a thousand ways to get to the end of that goal.
If the trip gets too tough, then maybe it’s not really what you want.
You mention self-sabotage and by definition, that’s your choice.
You get to choose how to live your life, what risks you take, and where you want to go.
The truth is you impact thousands just by existing.
Think of how many more you can impact if you choose to leverage all the art, science, and technology we have today to positively impact millions.
I believe you can do it.
If you choose to.
All the best,

Ken McArthur
Best-Selling Author and Producer
The Impact Factor Movie
The Impact Masterminds